Overcoming worry can seem impossible at times. When worries start knocking on your mind’s door, the Bible is your playbook for overcoming them. It’s not just a book; it’s your guide to finding peace during chaos. It’s like having a step-by-step tutorial on facing fears with faith.

Jesus begins to give us keys to dealing with worry in Matthew 6:31. “Therefore, take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed” (KJV)? There are two keys here to overcoming worry.

  1. Control our thoughts.
  2. Control our words.

Key #1: Control Our Thoughts

When Jesus said, “take no thought,” He emphasizes the battleground of the mind, where satan often attacks with thoughts of lack, loss, and failure. The instruction is clear: “Therefore, take no thought” – don’t entertain those negative thoughts. Not every idea that pops into our minds is from God, and succumbing to ungodly thoughts can lead to the formation of mental strongholds. Failing to control our thoughts allows satan to paint a mental picture of defeat, shaping our perceptions and influencing our reactions to circumstances.

“Keep our focus on God’s Word rather than our circumstances.”

The Bible urges us to cast down imaginations, recognizing that satan creates images of failure in our minds. For instance, fearing failure in a test can result from allowing satan to construct a mental image of defeat. The key is to keep our focus on God’s Word rather than our circumstances. Worry sets in when we place more confidence in our situations than in God and His Promises.

Key #2: Control Our Words

In reflecting on Matthew 6:31, Jesus connected our thoughts with our words. He said, “take no thought saying…” The wisdom of refraining from verbalizing worrisome thoughts becomes evident. If you have a thought that is contrary to the Word of God, don’t say it out loud! Proverbs 18:21a reinforces this, stating, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Speaking out our fears gives them life, playing right into satan’s hands as he seeks to instill fear and anxiety.

The connection between worry and fear is undeniable. When we vocalize our fears, we inadvertently magnify our problems in our minds. Start noticing how often you are saying negative things about your situation versus declaring God’s promises.

Whether it’s academics, relationships, finances, or health, satan’s strategy involves building a negative mental picture. He knows he’s winning when he hears us speaking the fears out loud. The responsibility falls on us to cast down these images and not give life to them. No one else can do it for us. Breaking free from worry involves recognizing the power of our words and actively casting down destructive mental images.

God has given us all the power to stop worrying. Start practicing today!

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