Let’s talk about making things happen! You have a big idea, right? Well, turning that idea into something real is what we call execution. It’s a transformation that requires not just vision but action, making big ideas into real outcomes. Let’s break down this process through the lens of execution, exploring how it unfolds and its relevance in the pursuit of something significant.

Understanding Execution

Concepts are simply ideas waiting to be brought to life. On the other hand, concrete represents the tangible outcome. Execution bridges the gap from concept to concrete, transforming strategy into action.

But what does execution require? It’s not just about making plans; it’s about breathing life into them. It’s the process of implementing strategies, carrying out tasks, and achieving specific goals. We see this in Mark 6:30-44 through the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000. Here, execution was about taking what little resources were available—a few loaves and fish—and feeding the hungry through deliberate action.

In sports, there is a similar dynamic. While strategy lays the groundwork for victory, it’s execution on game day that determines who will win. The same principle applies to any of our ambitions; execution is where plans meet performance.

The Seven Components of Execution

Diving deeper, these are the seven fundamental parts of execution:


  1. Resource Allocation: The process of identifying all your available resources and assigning the necessary people, material, equipment, finances, and technology to support the initiative and strategy. We see this in Scripture: Mark 6:38 “But he said to them, “How many loaves do you have? Go and see.” And when they found out they said, “Five loaves and two fish.” Jesus saw that he needed to feed the crowd, but first needed to see the resources. The beginning stages of execution are always “What resources do we have?”
  2. Breaking Down Initiatives: This helps us to organize and manage the work effectively, we must break things down in smaller groups and makes it manageable and becomes easier on the mind. We see this in scripture: Mark 6:39-40 “Then He commanded them to make them all sit down in groups on the green grass. So, they sat down in ranks in hundreds and in fifties.”
  3. Responsibility Assignment: Clear delegation of roles ensures accountability. We see this in verse 37 when Jesus is talking to His 12 disciples and assigning them to be the ones responsible for directly feeding the people. This should involve prioritization and decision-making rights.
  4. Milestones and Timelines: Establishing milestones and timelines provides clarity on progress and deadlines, essential for staying on track. Providing a timeline is simply looking at where you are today to where you want to go by when.
  5. Communication Plan: Just as Jesus communicated instructions to His disciples, a well-defined communication plan ensures everyone is informed and aligned. Start by outlining how information will be shared and who needs to know what, when, and how.
  6. Systems: Create a set of principles, procedures, or steps that determine who does what, when, and how. A good system clarifies what is expected, what should be rewarded, and what should be corrected. This miracle took place through the power of God through the strategy that Jesus implemented.
  7. Performance Management: Finally, keeping score through performance metrics allows for ongoing evaluation and adjustment, ensuring initiatives are successfully completed.


Execution is the backbone of accomplishment, the bridge between aspirations and achievements. Whether it’s feeding thousands with a handful of resources or realizing ambitious dreams, the principles of execution remain the same. By embracing these principles—from resource management to performance evaluation—you can transform concepts into concrete realities, shaping a future defined by action and impact.

Discover more of what the Bible has to say about execution through Mike Moore’s teaching, Execution: Turning Concept into Concrete. Watch it via mikemoore.com or on the Mike Moore Ministries Youtube Page!

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