How to be Spiritually Healthy
If you don’t feed your physical body food, it will become weak. The same happens with your spirit. If you don’t feed it, you will become spiritually weak. Prevent this by feeding your spirit with God’s Word. 5 WAYS TO KEEP YOUR SPIRITUAL MUSCLES STRONG 1....
How To Be Saved
Step-by-Step Guide to Salvation God planned a life of peace and satisfaction for us through Jesus Christ. But we first must be in His family to fulfill the plan He has for us and for us to go to Heaven. Salvation is not about being a good person, stopping bad...
How Leaders Establish and Communicate an Effective Vision
In business, when it comes to vision there are two sorts of leaders: transactional leaders and transformational leaders. Transactional leaders are generally concerned about keeping the organization or group that they lead at a “status quo” level with very little...
How To Control Your Thoughts
Does it seem like your thoughts are out of control? The mind is the combat zone. The Bible tells us to fix our thoughts on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. Use these four steps toward controlling your thinking. 1. THINK Think about what...